cat dance trend

i think SNSD is still standing strong

Korean mmg ske look mmgla sape2 esp any girl wud wan to look cute. but in korea, as we know, cute & pretty is their culture, their 'in' thing. even their boys wud dress up colourful, stylo mengalahkan girls, pakai lens even make up, did their hair. they did look perfect..

well, ive been observing the koreans are getting obsessed ngn tarian kucin sjk akhir2 ni..esp girls grup..xdokla boys grup plak tp ade gak..utk buat stok gelak2 je..i.e parody video.

so they have been imitating this cute animal

antare contoh terbaik tarian kucing ni.. ak bagi 2..

#1 T-ARA ::: BO BEEP BO BEEP :::

★★★ kucing dgn pakaian seragam kucing skali { pic di atas}

starting from 1:04 sec

ade 3 version di cni..ak ske yg kucing dgn pakaian seragam kucing tu..derang siap pakai telinga kucing n pakai paws besar tuh, pastu korg mesti ske tgk time chorus die..mcm kucing tgh mengeliat2 manje xD


yg ni kucing cun + sophisticated. ala2 mcm kucing parsi ah. u can feel their 'breed'.

nk blaja tarian kucing? boleh2 kite ade sediakan perkhidmatan percume dr kucing2 jantan dr korea gaks...=^0^= x lah complicated pon tp bile laki buat........mcm kucing n*** jdnye lah..selamat mencube!

Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Ah, Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah Ah! cant get over this!

ok...aku ke korean yg excited ngn cat dance sbnrnye? =^o* = miahaha!

from head to toe

today nk share lah sum of my personal views on products yg sy use for head to toe routine.

boys do inspire girls in maaaanyyy ways..dat u cant imagine how great the influence it is.

actually i da byk sgttt membazir tuut kat mende2 x bfaedah sblm ni sblm menjejak kasih best products.

♥ hair care ♥

-rambut sy ni sbnrnye jens bermslh. dulu sgt kering. sgt sgt. the most outer layer is hell damaged. try shampoo for damaged ke, extra damaged ke, extra dry ke, sume yg dlm market tu bleh dikatekan fail. kalo i jd tester, u fail man.

dlm bertaun2 gak ak bsabar dgn rambot ittew. till this year, i went to SHINS n menggatal nk try shampu mahal. sbb da byk bace, shampoo from saloon is the best than u buy from supermarket.
less chemical n acidic. yg kat market tu, mostly alkaline.

org yg rambot damaged2 ni kalo xde tmpt da nk mintak tolong, sile beli hair products from saloon or mcm SHINS, SASA. sasa x penah tny lg tp lebih krg ngn shins la kan.

ok, so i use k.therapy (for dry hair) from LAKME'. made from spain.
pics : shampoo , conditioner , serum

this is like the best product ever. boleh caye x kalo ak ckp rambut outer layer ak tu ak bleh describe mcm da hamper mati sbb kekeringan yg amat. pakai minyak hape pon x absorb gak. TP bile pakai product ni 2 times je pon da nmpk perubahan.
i pakai 1 set, shampoo, conditioner, & serum die. serum die punye bau super best.
mule2 tu nk btolkan rambut ni punye condition, i always use the serum. now, da elok sket, malas :D

♥ body care ♥

shower foam..em mane2 pon bleh la.
body scrub (exfoliator) n body butter ni br harini try. bodyshops' olive body scrub + body butter. feel comfortable.
adekah perasaan sendiri atau mmg btol,sbb terlampau byk bace reviews,lps wat sme tu, rase body mulus n i have a glowing skin. hahas.

♥ face ♥

for CLEANSER, i use dermalogica's essential cleansing solution.
TONER - flower hydra toner from faceshop. bottle die sgt cantex n sejuk mcm ais sket2
2. shiseido balancing softener (tester)
MOISTURISER- 1. shiseido matifying moisturizer (tester)
2. vitamin E cream

SCRUB - clay..sumtink2 from nanowhite
MASK- dermalogica's hydrating mask

ok bab face ni, maseh x berape puas hati. cube tgk, x sistematik lansong. products main campor2. result : x satisfying bile kite mix products.

tp tester yg shiseido bg tu siyes best. toner die sejok je, moisturiser die pon not heavy. vitamin E cream tu x seswai ah. heeeeeeeavy kalo nk wear makeup.greasy.
yg faceshop punye toner tu, harapkn packaging je lawa, results not satisying pon. dermalogical's cleanser ni rasenye x bape ngancam sgt la.

so after this, maybe akan spend on shiseido products from cleanser to moisturiser. plus pore minimizing cream pon nk kene beli. tula dulu malas nk gune toner, skrg ni the pores seriously noticeable.

ingatkn toner tu x de pekdah dulu. mcm air je.


♥ hair treatment ♥

aritu usha kat saloon mahal kat DP,

deep treatment -120 nett
hair spa treatment - 180 nett

fuh. pasni nk simpan rambut pjg i guess.

♥ foot treatment ♥

my feet has few hard surfaces, so pasni nk carik tmpt yg bagos. bace kat net, dr soho's foot tp x tau nk carik kat mane kat melake ni.

♥ facial treatment ♥
facial ni dulu slalu wat kat dermalogica. mmg noticeable result facial ni. tp x ske bile kene promote ngn products die la. haha. then they also will advice and follow ur skin condition. " u x cukup minum air ni." " ur skin is dull n uneven"

rase mcm perlu lah facial ni. pigmentation n blackheads byk gile kot skrg ni.

hm. pjg n berjela2 en3 ni. ade x bodycare yg korg wat tp ak x wat. come N share :]

cooking time

hai! ok lps dpt suntikan kesedaran dr that SS , ak pon tsedar utk melakukn bende2 yg spatutnye ak da polish from now : yeah my cooking skills yg skrg ni under bleh bagi saye 1.5 dari 5 bintang! haha

very the trok my masakan nowadays except 1..yap i can cook 1 only my dear the best!

so im listing the things that i should learn this holidays since ade bibik kat umah, ak akan blaja ngn die. no offense but my mom slalu je bebel n marah2..kadang2 x masuk ah resepi yg nk dibelaja bcos byk sgt bebelan...erks!

todayy i termasuk kaki ke dalam 1 blog gile..tremendous masakan2 die..kenangan silam main masak2 kat uk..jadi x jadi..dtg kembali..yeha...


1. nasi ayam (ye saye x pass lg........list seterusnye anda boleh lihat tanpe bkate2 ape..saye ibarat bdk lps spm yg baru nk blaja masak..tula liat bebenor!)
2. nasi ayam ipoh (hait apa beza? ntah empunya blog tu ade 2 jenis NA so we;ll try!)
3. ayam masak merah
4.kuey teow ladna
5.nasi lemak
6. bubur ayam
7. siakap sweet sour
8.ayam goreng berempah
9.ikan goreng masak halia
10. ikan bakar
12.ikan goreng cili padi
13.chicken wing bbq
14. black pepper fried rice
15. ayam goreng spicy
16. ayam goreng tepung bercili

1. pizza, pizza dough
2. creme caramel
3.chocolate moist cake
4.ayam masak kuzi
5.ayam penyet
6. kek batik marie
7. telur bistik
8. potato wedge tortilla
9. daging merah thai

ok..list ni bercampur aduk rasenye..kite try je lah

wedding kazen

hai-o....smlm i p..isk..aku aku..pehal sjk akhir2 ini sgt lemah gemalai serba serbi i u ngn org len pon nk mcm tu! -___- ngn certain2 org je dah la..haha x reti2!

ok..hai-o skali lg..smlm ak p wedding kazen..abg nafis..wife muni was very fun..sbb..macam2..

1. wedding itself is extravaganza oredi..pelamin simple (hah? simple? mau puluh ribu tu)

features :

1. pelamin kale putih, and bunge2 putih daun hijau berjuntai2, chandelier2..
2. presentation : best..masuk hall, doa, sajak, kompang, then when they start to walk, music ala2.. tinkerbell..fairy gitu (gelap je, but ade spotlite,uh debar ko)
3. bile nk mkn, tutup sume lampu, waiter waitress bwk lilin dgn pantasnye..cantik sgt dewan tu..last2 bukak lampu, nk hidang nasik je..
4. mknnn superbb..ayam masak kuzi the best
5. lawak2 dr best oo pakcik tu bg speech,about their first meeting and how they get married..bikin malu nafis! haha org len pon da malu dgr, apalagi tuannye!
aduhai pakcik tu pandai btol make our tummy geli..then ade nyanyian dr member2 lame paklong..oh i br tau datuk i mckk..btol ke..byknye mcoba dlm family i!
6. x bestnye, x bleh nk bgamba kat pelamin! cet...

ok tu je la..kalo u ols nk camni..mahal gitu..satu kepala smlm 65.00 plus extragavant things smlm........hmm..100,000++ kot smlm..da bleh beli kete.....

oh orait nti kite upload pics..