cat dance trend

i think SNSD is still standing strong

Korean mmg ske look mmgla sape2 esp any girl wud wan to look cute. but in korea, as we know, cute & pretty is their culture, their 'in' thing. even their boys wud dress up colourful, stylo mengalahkan girls, pakai lens even make up, did their hair. they did look perfect..

well, ive been observing the koreans are getting obsessed ngn tarian kucin sjk akhir2 ni..esp girls grup..xdokla boys grup plak tp ade gak..utk buat stok gelak2 je..i.e parody video.

so they have been imitating this cute animal

antare contoh terbaik tarian kucing ni.. ak bagi 2..

#1 T-ARA ::: BO BEEP BO BEEP :::

★★★ kucing dgn pakaian seragam kucing skali { pic di atas}

starting from 1:04 sec

ade 3 version di cni..ak ske yg kucing dgn pakaian seragam kucing tu..derang siap pakai telinga kucing n pakai paws besar tuh, pastu korg mesti ske tgk time chorus die..mcm kucing tgh mengeliat2 manje xD


yg ni kucing cun + sophisticated. ala2 mcm kucing parsi ah. u can feel their 'breed'.

nk blaja tarian kucing? boleh2 kite ade sediakan perkhidmatan percume dr kucing2 jantan dr korea gaks...=^0^= x lah complicated pon tp bile laki buat........mcm kucing n*** jdnye lah..selamat mencube!

Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Ah, Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah Ah! cant get over this!

ok...aku ke korean yg excited ngn cat dance sbnrnye? =^o* = miahaha!


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