i've been tagged by a person who tags ev1 (so sad ), so here r my personal favs..
reading blogs make u feel more closer to that person,
mcm kalo jln2, skali terserempak ngn derang, mcm rase nk tego," hai ****!"
"eh sape ko?" erk..x)
bloggers r cool too bcos they willing to share their stories whether it is private/ non-private but they share it n make ppl entertained by reading it. :))
#1 Bvlgari girl
she's sweet, down to earth, funny in her way..very original :)
her posts simple2 je, but i follow her like paparazzi xD
always making me laugh or smile.
i will love her posts esp when she writes about her bf. a non muslim. an interesting story :)
i can say that he's sweet n kind of a good match. touching bile bace :)
#2 Mr K
Mr K punye blog mmg menepati citerase blog yg ak cari2. byk tips, isu2 hot pompuan, laki..the best part is i get to see from laki's point of view.. x kesah la die kadang2 kutuk, kdg2 angkat pompuan.. yg penting he's sincere in his post.
yes, so his sincerity n openness n his hot issues r the things that grab my attention. :)
#3 Proudduck (PD)
i know her from skool. but she din noe me. xD bcos she moved out during form 1. im her senior.
totally love her writings. i never knew that she is so down to earth, brilliant writer.
she's really pretty. damn rich. has a biiiig heart. appreciates ppl around her. her blog - verry nice to read.
a fashion addict. beware. hehe
#4 sepet
sepet ni mase mule2 bace blog die da jatuh hati..klaka lah die ni. perangai die iras2 mcm kwn i yg gedik n kecoh sorg tu. die amat slumber..blog die ni x de pape sgt la informatik..byk saat2 dating die ngn bf die je..tp pape pon still klaka..
#5 macham iz punye
mule2 bace blog die ni. x bape ske sbnrnye. hehe. die agak kasar pade saye lah. agaknye mase masuk blog die, kene plak post yg tgh memaki agaknye..ntahla.
tibe2 pas hanis zalikha punye blog mcm x bape sengat, kwn i sorg ni pon promote gak iz lagi..pastu i ckp kat die..best ke? ok ak try tgk lagi..
skali...2 3 kali bace..eh orait je die ni..xde la kasar sgt..actually klaka......mmg agaknye aritu post yg x bape kene la tu yg ak bace tu..
die ni lagi slumber...:) her words power2..^^
#6 fatin liyana
heh. blogger ni pon ak ske. die cumil, otak gile2 gak. n romantic kdg2. sempoi lah die ni..suke2..
#7 dart dadada
she's my fren's fren from nihon. slalu nengok gamba die ngn kwn i dulu. mule2 ingat die japanese. well, her blog consists a lot of japanese stuffs .. kalo teringin nk tau pasal japan, reading her blog can give u sum insights. shes interested in lomo,fashion,bla bla..girl2 stuffs..pade pendapat sy, shes girlish but shes an active woman too..pandai surfing and mcm2 lg..adventurous, so i love reading her daily rants..
#8 loyer lelaki
haha, ni 18sx sket. pelik gak bace cite2 die. susah nk caye kdg2. tapi ak bace gak. keke. he's a lawyer tp lg byk gatal je i nengok..
story die len dr yg len...:)
#9 qery
qery ni sepet's bf. die ni pon gile2.......bace je lah..mmg asek nk tergelak je..
#10 hanis zalikha
depends on her mood. b4 this, im a big fan of her blog, slalu updet. skrg kdg2 kureng, kdg2 best balek. eh bykla komen plak ko kat blog org eh xD. she's a model. so best dpt bace psl kehidupan die. lawak die pon bleh tahan best. :)
kenal x die? pemenang Malaysian Dream Girl. alamak, ke sume org tau?? xD
i have more blogs that i love actually. but byk2 x spesel plak nti..
serious i have more,
nti kite wat top 11-20 plak ok? haha..sbnarnye, tangga 11-20 masih ade kekosongan, nti kite korek2, kalo jumpe lg blog yg besh nk share, boleh2.
eh ko komen org pnye blog, blog sendirik x nk komen? yea, saye masih amatur.x de sape nk read lah. haha
i oso nk tag la sape2 yg terbace ni. hehe. sile link kat saye. sy pon nk bace okey. jgn haraplah.xD
GreenAard: Ambil suplemen secara BERLEBIHAN TANPA KEPERLUAN
Kebetulan semalam ada someone tanya if dalam keadaan dia sekarang (refer
screenshot tadi), boleh ambil GC Plus atau tak.
Teringat dulu orang kata kalau m...
10 hours ago
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