liking is not enough..mcm org org tu ja x enuff..get to know more about him/ her!
tetibe teringat spore arini..well bln 12 aritu sy pegi ngn parents n my bro's family..and his lovely 2 toddlers...
we all p byk kalo pg ngn membe lg byk kot! bcos we have moar time and very fast pace human being! bdk2 kan leceh.
ok u all tau x merlion? i tau patung tu, tp selame ni i panggil singa je..
well, merlion is an imaginary creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish
there r 5 merlions in singapore !
tp actually kalo xde org btau ade 5, sy ingat 1 je!
where is it?
- The original statue at Merlion Park
- The two-metre tall cub statue standing behind the original statue
- The 37-metre tall gigantic replica — with Mouth Gallery Viewing Deck on the ninth storey,
- another viewing gallery on its head and The Merlion Shop — at Sentosa Island
- The three-metre tall glazed polymarble statue at Tourism Court (near Grange Road) completed in 1995
- The three-metre tall polymarble statue placed on Mount Faber's Faber Point
saye masok merlion yg kat sentosa tu, n it was so mystical n x bleh caye lansung..mmg dongeng tergelak je tgk video pasal history merlion ni..
x ingat plak kalo nk cite pasal history die..
we can always
how it all started
Singapore was founded by a Malay Prince by the name of Sang Nila Utama. He wanted to find somewhere to build a new City and set out to have a look at some islands off the coast of Sumatra. While hunting deer on one of the islands, he saw a neighboring island that had beaches "like white cloth". He was told that the island was called Temasek. He decided to go there, during the trip a bad storm blew up and the ship took on water and began to sink. They were forced to throw many things overboard. Still the ship took on water. The Prince finally threw his heavy crown overboard and the storm passed. After making it safely to the island, he went inland to do some hunting and saw a strange creature with a red body, black head and white breast. It moved with great speed and grace. He was told that it was a Lion. (though later studies of the area show that Lions were never present there and what he saw was probably a Tiger) He felt it was a very good omen and decided to build his city there. He called the city Singapura, (Singa means Lion and pura means City.) which he ruled over for close to 50 years.
ok u guys bace x? i saw the animation version of the history at merlion in sentosa island..interesting la sket :)
bagus la u buat entry psl merlion. I yang kampung kat singapore pun tak pernah tau ada 5 merlion. bodoh gila rasanya.
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